Career in Sales

Four Things to Consider When Getting Trained for a Sales Career

If you’re reading this today, one thing is certain — Building a lucrative career in sales is your priority! Kudos to you for having that part of your career figured out. 

With a projection of more than 50,000 sales jobs opening up in the period between 2020-2030, the best advice for you would be — To gear up and build a solid skillset to land your dream job. 

With a majority of the population choosing sales as their career, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and find a secure job for yourself. However, effective training for a sales career can make all the difference. The quality of training is a major force that shapes your sales future. 

Four Key Things to Consider For Successful Sales Training 

Enticing salary packages and huge commissions don’t come easy and require employees to master skills in order to achieve complete sales enlightenment. 

To ensure you make the best of your training, here are a few essential things you should take into consideration to expedite your sales learnings:

1. Exercising essential sales skills

A career in sales requires you to play myriad roles. From tracking down the right lead to building a strong rapport with the client post-closing, it is a full circle. It demands you to have different specialized skills, to gracefully wear various hats throughout the sales journey. 

Some of the skills you need to learn are — exercising empathy to create buyer personas, communicating effectively for stong-network and connection,  building confidence, listening actively, gaining product knowledge, etc. 

You can gain such skills by ensuring that your training includes experiential learning — The art of learning through ‘doing’, which involves a combination of experience, reflection, and experimentation. Some of the popular and effective ways to gain essential skills through experiential learning are :

  • Including role plays
  • Participating in effective simulations 
  • Getting hands-on experience via projects 
  • Including Internships  

2.  Equipping yourself with cutting-edge sales tools

equipping yourself with cutting edge sales tools

Despite mastering skills, you cannot possibly survive in the dynamic sales landscape without having enough knowledge about cutting edge sales technologies. However, with the ever-evolving ways to conduct sales for any given business, it can be challenging to stay current on the latest technologies such as CRMs, sales automation and AI tools that all aim at easing the sales pipeline for efficient working. 

Therefore, before you begin your sales career, ensure that your training includes access to such technologies and tools used in the Industry. One of the most critical skills today involves knowing how to effectively use the Customer Relationship Management Tool (CRM). 

Aim to equip yourself with 360-degree knowledge about sales, theoretical as well as practical, to keep up with technological advancements. 

3. Staying updated with the best practices and methodologies 

To acquaint yourself with the tricks and tips of the game, it is important that your training includes seeking guidance and knowledge from industry experts. One of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve is by hearing how professionals with a credible track record surmount challenges during their journey. 

Such microlearning content is easily digestible and is more informative and effective as compared to reading 500-page long research reports on the art of selling. An ideal training programme will always focus on creating a master framework that is inclusive of such learnings to engage, equip, and empower a lot of world-class sales professionals.

4. Keeping networking and relationship building at the core

keeping networking and relationship building at the core

In a career such as sales, ‘whom you know’ is more important than what you know. Despite honing your skills to sell, you can find it challenging to build a strong pool of network to help you land a good sales job or build a strong referral pipeline. 

One major thing to consider while getting trained for your sales career is that your training covers a strong foundation in networking and relationship building. These are as essential as the theoretical and practical curriculum in your training programme. It’s important to focus on these pillars as they can open doors for new opportunities or solutions to progress in your career. 

Some relationship building skills your training should focus on include: finding common ground, mirroring and matching, following up with leads, techniques to build trust, etc. Another factor to consider is the exposure to deep industry networks that your training provides you with. Make sure that your training not only prepares you for a sales career but also provides you with opportunities to get placed to pragmatically use your skills.

Accelerate Your Sales Training Journey 

An effective sales training framework can be the foundation to land a successful role. According to McKinsey, solid training that covers all aspects of sales can directly influence positive performance across crucial skill areas. In addition, it can lead to an ​​increase in the opportunity win rates. 

Therefore, in this digital age, the best way to accelerate your sales training journey is by ​​opting for an online sales training school from the comfort of your home. Juno is one such interactive online school that provides science-backed, practical guidance to help you reach your social and professional sales goals faster. 

With the most up-to-date course centring on experiential learning and focusing on providing access to cutting edge technologies and deep networks, it can be the best platform to hone your skills for a great career in sales. Trusted by more than 20,000 learners, it can be the safe push that your career needs right now. To learn more, you can visit

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